Female Right Angle Header
The product portfolio Female Right Angle Header from ASSMANN WSW components is a reasonable alternative compared with comparable connector systems of other connector producers, showing the standard features like different contact numbers, stitched or over moulded in rows and based on dedicated pitches. These kind of products will be found in nearly every application and market, which is producing electronic- or electrical devices and which need to connect two pcb’s together. The product range from ASSMANN WSW components contains a full variety of common used pitches as there are 5.08 mm, 2.54 mm, 2.00 mm, 1.27 mm until 1.00 mm and 0.50 mm. Beside the standard contact lengths we produce as well custom specific contact lengths upon request. ASSMANN WSW components do offer in addition to this program the possibility to connect pcb’s in sandwich style on top of each other by using so called `sandwich pin headers´. These connectors do have two insulator bodies (position of the insulator can be fixed according to request) and will be soldered at both contact ends into the pcb’s. Male and female headers are available with straight or right-angle contacts, with SMT (surface mount technology) or with THT ( trough hole technology) contact styles , using different contact lengths, round or square contacts. ASSMANN WSW components offers in addition to the `of the shelf program´ a sample service, which has been installed especially for short term design-ins, shipment within 3-5 days after receipt of order. The following pages do show the standard product range of male and female headers. Beside that, a lot of special or custom specific headers are available or can be produced upon request. Available in Embeded Studio for the best price, liking our Facebook page, you can get Special discount. For further information Contact us on Embeded Studio.
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